Spring Break Hackers harvested motors from discarded machines to build a new machine of their own design.
Photo: Tasmin begins to build her machine. She always has a plan!
Spring Break Hackers harvested motors from discarded machines to build a new machine of their own design.
Photo: Tasmin begins to build her machine. She always has a plan!
While admission to Earl’s Garage activities is generally free, Earl’s Garage still incurs expenses as would any business of its kind, such as staff to prepare and lead activities; space and utilities to host activities; phone service, internet access and printing to communicate with you, participants, and volunteers. When you make a donation to Friends of the Future to support Earl’s Garage, you help ensure all kids have access to the activities at no or nominal cost.
Earl’s Garage is a project of Friends of the Future, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.
Your donation may be deductible.
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